
JSFX-UI tutorial - Screens

For all previous examples, the effect has had only one possible interface. However, we sometimes want effects that have multiple screens. The UI library has built-in support for a stack of different screens, including arguments.

If your UI only has one screen, you can omit this entirely.

Default screen

First, we specify a default screen. This is an argument we pass into ui_start(), like so:

ui_start("main"); // Our default screen is called "main"

Note: the actual identifier is a number. However, strings are represented by numbers, and the same string constant is represented by the same number anywhere in the code ("my string" == "my string"), so they make for convenient and readable identifiers for screens.

Checking the current screen

We can choose which screen to draw by checking ui_screen(), which gives us the identifier for that screen. To have multiple screens, we test this value and react appropriately.

For example, here is a UI with two screens on it


ui_screen() == "main" ? (
	ui_text("Main screen");
) : ui_screen() == "second" ? (
	ui_text("Second screen");

Since we have no way to switch between screens, it will only ever draw the default screen ("main").

Built-in screens

If we don’t recognise the screen identifier, we should let the UI library handle the screen. At the very least, this will display a message saying the screen identifier was not recognised, but there are also some built-in screens (such as "error") which are useful.

The main built-in screens are drawn using ui_system(). However, there is also a control_system() which handles some more built-in screens, such as a text-prompt dialog.


ui_screen() == "main" ? (
	ui_text("Main screen");
) : ui_screen() == "second" ? (
	ui_text("Second screen");
) : control_system();

Opening and closing screens

To push a new screen onto the stack, use ui_screen_open(id). To pop a screen from the stack, use ui_screen_close().

There are also two variants: ui_screen_close_id(id) (which only closes if the current screen ID matches), and ui_screen_close_to(id) (which closes screens until a screen of the specified ID is reached);


ui_screen() == "main" ? (
	control_button("Open second screen") ? (
) : ui_screen() == "second" ? (
	control_button("Close screen") ? (
) : control_system();


Opening screens with arguments

As well as opening screens, you can provide arguments to be used by that screen. To set an argument for the current screen, use ui_screen_set(index, value), and to read an argument, use ui_screen_get(index).

For example, here are two screens, where the second screen displays which button was used to open it:


ui_screen() == "main" ? (
		control_button("Open (left)") ? (
			ui_screen_set(0, 0);
		control_button("Open (right)") ? (
			ui_screen_set(0, 1);
) : ui_screen() == "second" ? (
		control_button("Close screen") ? (
	side = ui_screen_get(0);
	ui_text(side ? "right" : "left");
) : control_system();
